Download Prorat:
pass: pro
Prorat Tutorial:
You should make a trojan server. By prorat you can easily do it. So follow my step carefully. If your computer have anti virus please disable it. Because anti virus detect it as a virus.
1. After download and extract open the file named prorat.
2. Now click on 'Create' and select first option.
3. You get a new box like that.
4. You have got some option. First option is 'Notifications'. Here in ip address give your ip address. If you don't know click on red arrow symbol. Prorat automatically detect your ip.
5. Use mail notification goes to your mail id where you get the notification from prorat. When a victim attack with that you got a mail from pro rat. To confirm about your mail address use test button beside email.
6. In ICQ Pager notification simply click on red arrow. Prorat automatically detect it.
7. Uncheck the use cgi notofication box.
8. Second is 'General Settings'. Here in server password give a password and in below give the victim's name.
9. You can also take some action to victim. In general settings you can find many options like give a fake error message, disable anti virus etc. Read carefully and made in your own choise.
10. Third option is 'Bind'. You can bind a file with this server. By doing this victim can not dought about you.
11. Fourth is 'Server extention'. Here you can select in which format you want it.
12. Fifth is 'Server icon'. Select an icon to give fake the victim. Give an related to the file name.
13. Now click on 'create server'. Your server is successfully created. Congratulations !
14. Now upload this server in a file hosting site like mediafire and send the link to the victim.
15. Don't click it on your pc otherwise you will be detected by it.
***Learn it only for educational purpose. A real hacker can not hack anyone. Don't learn to hack, hack to learn.***
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